Sunday, January 27, 2013

Burn the ships!

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What is it that holds you off all the time?

I know there is something you long to do.  But always managed to postpone.  Loosing weight; finding the girl of your life (aka approaching and flirting); starting a business; leaving your spouse (yes yes... lets be honest that is one of the things some have in mind).  Is it writing a book?  Go back to school?  Changing job?

The list can go on for ever here.

The reason for not taking action.  THAT is the thing one must focus on.  In the short term, the rest is just fog.

For example lets say you want to loose weight.  A millions things goes into your mind:  I cannot start this week because its the holidays... then next week I will allow myself to cheat because its Ben's wedding... Ho!  What the hell... just this once...  And so on...

That is all babbles.  There is a reason underneath all that which prevents you from really taking action.  Are you afraid of not being able to complete?  Thus never starting.  Are you afraid of what the other people will say?  Are you afraid to loose some friends and loved ones for what ever reason?  In other words, what is the true reason that prevents you from taking action.

Then its on that reason you must focus.

How do you deal with it?  Burn the ships!

When Cortez arrived into Mexico, he wanted the gold that the Aztecs had.  But his soldiers where not convinced.  All reasons were good.  Some caught unknown fevers so were afraid to go forward in this foreign land.  The Aztecs were thousands and the Spanish were just a few hundreds.  All reasons were good and most wanted to go back to Europe.  So Cortez ordered to put fire to the ships.  Thus cutting all possible hope of retreat back to Spain.

The soldiers' only choice was then to go forward... and win!  They simply were cut of any other choice.

Just do the same in your life.  Cut your ships.  And make sure you have no choice other than undertake what ever your were procrastinating about and win!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

On clever oppositions

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I love to see two opponents clash when they arrives at diametrically opposed interests.

Obama against Romney.  Kasparov against Big Blue (I know its a machine but it was never the less a protagonist).  Raphael Nadal against  Roger Federer... And even fictional characters:  Superman against Lex Luthor.  Sherlock Holmes against James Moriarty.  And so on...

There is something in conflict that brings us forward.  We have to surpass ourselves when we meet an opponent that is at "our level".  And this accomplishment leaves something that makes us better.  Without it.  Our progression would be much slower.

Karl Marx said that every theses brings its antitheses and the collision between the two brings a syntheses...

So never refuse a good fight.  Praise it.  Of course don't fall into it with both eyes closed and without respecting any rules of strategy.  But never turn your back.  Its a way to guage yourself.  See where you are at.  Learn from this and improve.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Link of the week - The capitalist class

Are you a member of the capitalist class?

Lets see.

Are you making between $350 to $500K in revenue per annum?

No?  You are not from the capitalist class.

Yes?  Then wait.  You're not there yet.  Are you making your money from a salary or other means of income?  In other words.  If you stop providing your time, does the revenue stream stops or does it remains?

If your revenue is linked to time you put in.  You are not a member of the capitalist class.  Sorry.

A true capitalist value his time more than his money.  So he works in generating revenues that are not linked to his time.  Royalties, interests, dividends, capital gain, etc...

I suggest you go and read the article on that link.

Its concepts are very insightful.  And even if you are on the path of growing.  Both personally and financially.  You will find the ideas presented compelling.

Have a good read.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What is it with Mali?

I mean what is in Mali?  There is no oil that I know of.  There is no diamond mines like in southern Africa.  So why are the french so prone to attack and stop the jihadists advance?

Lets not be mistaken here.  The French did not attack out of the blue.  Mali have asked for help to the UN previously.  Help that has been "granted" but under an agenda:  Lets try to speak first and punch later if needs be.

The only thing the French did is to skip a few months on the calendar.  But they do have the UN approval.  So they are not illegal in their action. (Not like the US in Irak but lets pass this one now).

This fight of the French against the Muslim radicals is not new.  Back in the colonialist time the French had won against the Muslims there in 1850s.  And this victory sealed the French supremacy on that part of Africa.

This particular part of Africa is very French sensitive.  Most of the countries there are former French colonies.  They speak French.  They have economic ties with Paris.  And there is French citizens working there.  So it is understandable that the French feels compelled of doing something.  And their need for speed of action can be understood too.  Look at the following map of Mali.

The Islamists are in the north of the country.  But in the last weeks, they defeated the Malian army and took control of  Mopti region (in the center).  By doing so they literally cut the country in two and the road to the capital Bamako is wide open.  And since the capital has no access to the north.  It leaves the Islamists to do their "re education", religious cleaning, indoctrination or what ever is their aim with the local population.  Nor to say that if the Islamists are left to progress and take Bamako.  Then the country falls.  And it is much harder to take back an entire country than being invited in by the president and fight pockets of enemies.  

Thus the French fast intervention to stop the advance first.  And second: push them back to some retrenchment pockets so the capital can have access to the North of the country. That way the population won't have time to be exposed to the Islamists for long and deeper problem are avoided such as population suffering from the Stockholm syndrome and start defending their invaders instead of their liberators (by choice, by fear or by indoctrination... what ever).

But is that all there is?  Is it worth it to spend billions in defending a country that has merely no natural resources?   Risking killing its own solders in the process.  And not to say that France is already... lets say... challenged by a national debt and an anemic economy?  I mean they are spending billions that they don't have.  A luxury they cannot afford.  All that to defend a country that has significantly nothing to offer as retribution?

I mean lets take the US intervention in Irak.  USA didn't have the money either.  They are stretched financially to.  But there is the oil!  Millions of barrels that helps paying for the war.

There must be something else.

I know the French said that they are doing it for Mali's democracy.  And to protect the population.  And to protect the French citizens that are already there.  And to stabilize the region.  Its all noble reasons.  But what I am interested in is to know what are the other reasons that justifies the action?  The bully doesn't want to loose his hold on this regional sandbox?  Ok I understand that.  Mali is well positioned strategically for the French.  Its right in the middle of most French speaking African countries.  So establishing a military base there (we're just talking here) would put them at the center of the party if something else develops in the neighboring area.  Thus securing the region.

There is another thought that came to me.  How about re inventing imperialism?  I mean imperialism as we know it has bad press these days.  So lets do it otherwise.  Lets not invade and impose.  Lets do it with more... civility.  The European economy is sclerosed.  No growth.  A monetary crisis.  And too much regulations that suffocates free enterprises.  Thus high level of welfare and no way out.  BUT!  Lets say you establish a friendship with a country.  Lets call it... I don't know... lets say... Mali.  You tell the president that he will have full power on his land.  That the country's sovereignty will be preserved and defended by the mighty European army (aka the French).  And after such a climax of peace and harmony is established (we know that this is the kind of climax that attracts investors).  The deal is that the president will allow European capital (aka French capital) to establish factories in Mali.  Produce locally, thus creating local jobs and raising local people's wealth.  And those low cost products can come back to Europe through French entreprises and challenge the economic bully that is in place (aka Germany).

Interesting thought.  The future shall tell us.  In time.   

But for now.  Lets fight for freedom and democracy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The importance of choices

We do not have any idea how important the choices we make are important in our lives.

Making choices is like breathing.  Its there all the time and we barely notice it.  But the consequences can be tremendous.

Lets take an example.  There is Chuck.  He is 18 years old.  He works part time for two years now in a grocery and has managed to buy himself a used but in very good condition car.  He studies and wants good grades because he wants to be accepted in law school at the university.

Lets take his cousin Roxanne.  She was born 6 months before him.  She left high school because she did not like school.  She doesn't work either because, well, work sucks!  So she is on social insurance welfare.  She is now 6 months pregnant and the father of the child is in jail for some stuff he did.

Who is starting life with a head start?

Now I know that nothing is for sure in life and she may turn her life around at some point (I really wish she does) and its the same for Chuck.  But its never the less our choices that defines how we become.  Our choices and our actions according to those choices.

And as I said.  We make choices as we breathe.  So in order to make better quality choices in our life, we have to become aware that we are making them.  Take a ruthless logical based on facts decision.  according our needs, our wants and where we want to be in life.

Basically on any decisions, we are trying to do two things.  Either avoid pain or gain pleasure.  Think about this for a moment.  Think of any important decision you are making.  Ask yourself what is it your are trying to do when you gauge the pros and cons... are you trying to avoid pain?  Or are you trying to gain please?

If you decide to stay in bed instead of going to the gym this morning.  You will make up all good reasons why it is better to stay in bed.  You are rationalizing.  But what is it you are really trying to do?  Avoid the pain of getting up?  Being tired.  Pain in the muscles after the sets.  Or are your trying to gain pleasure?  The pleasure of staying in bed and sleeping a few more hours.

What decision is more beneficial to you? According the fact that you are not ill and staying in bed is not to get better?

See most of the time the best decision is to delay pleasure.  Delay consumption so I can save money.  Delay the cheese cake so I can have a better health and a nicer body... So on and so forth...

So all in all.  We have to

1. Be aware of the decison we make and their consequences (no rationalization)
2. Aim for the long run goal (delay pleasure)

Its not what we would want to ear.  But that's life.

I leave you with this thought: